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We created XREATORS to solve the problems that content creators are facing in the digital content industry. XREATORS provides solutions to unfair commercial practices such as intellectual property infringement and unfair distribution of profit. Our mission is to protect the rights and profits of content creators and help them secure their unique creativity in the digital space.


XREATORS prioritizes the rights and profits of content creators, and we bring this about through our Digital Art Platform. In our Platform, we foster an environment that provides fair opportunities to promising creators, establishing a distribution structure where consumers who want ownership of the content voluntarily come together. Through this virtuous cycle of creation and consumption, we can build a democratic ecosystem in the ever-evolving digital content industry. Content creators' rights will be protected in this ecosystem, and all content can be traded fairly.


Digital Art Platform

XREATORS Digital Art Platform isn’t just for buying and selling content. With our platform, consumers can communicate with the creators as fans. With fair profit distribution and a focus on creativity, content creators will be encouraged and motivated to network with others.

Feature 01

A space where
anyone can freely participate in

We provide an environment where anyone can participate as a creator to create and consume digital content such as artworks, videos, and emoticons.


In the future, in addition to the purchase of these digital contents, we will support content owners to utilize digital art in various ways, such as merchandising and licensing.

Feature 02

Expand the
range of activities
Global C2C

XREATORS provides a communication environment that transcends borders by expanding the range of creators' activities. In connection with the global SNS service (Discord), we improve the convenience of global users.

A Solid Intellectual Property Right
Authorization & Verification Process

All information used in the content distribution process is made transparent to all users involved in the transaction. To upload the content, users will go through a solid authorization and verification process created by XREATORS’ advanced technology.

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Creator Identity Verification
  • Creator Verification

  • Accept the Creator Terms


Content Authenticity Verification

To ensure a reliable environment for the users and protect the creators, meta-analysis of content will be done through the XREATORS Upload Screening process to screen duplicate content and reproduced content.


UCI Issuance

Verified content will be issued with a state-certified identification code called “UCI (Universal Content Identifier)”. UCI is a unique and permanent identifier that allows the participants to effectively find the information and the distribution route of content in the XREATORS Digital Art Platform.


Post-Filtering of the Copyrights

Content uploaded to the XREATORS Digital Art Platform will be filtered using its data and user reports to filter illegally distributed or duplicated/tampered content. Through this AI-enabled follow-up reporting system, we ensure the reliability of our creators and their content.

  • Instagram

XREATORS Instagram



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